Office Buildings / Hotels / Self-Storage Facilities / Apartments / Condominiums & Townhomes / Retail Buildings/ /Office-Warehouse / Auto Service Centers / Church Facility / Restaurants / Day Care Center/


The Fenton -Mill Co., Inc. specializes in the sale of complete ready-made architectural/engineering drawings which are prepared to assist the design professional, developer, contractor, or building owner during the planning stages of a commercial development project. Ready-made plans result in a savings of both time and money during the planning stages of the project because the plans already have been completed, and are ready to be taken to a local design professional for site adaptation and building code modifications, or for any desired plan revisions.

The commercial building designs featured on this web site are "stock plans", and available for purchase. Stock plans are pre-drawn plans, prepared by professional architects and engineering consultants.

These complete sets of construction working drawings prepared for each specific building type, include architectural, structural, mechanical, plumbing, and electrical construction drawings, along with accessible details, site plan details, and landscaping details. Plans are ready for site and code adaptation by your local design professional.

With each plan order you will receive your choice of six sets of blueprints, reproducible vellums, or CAD files on CD ROM.

A study plan of each building design is available for $25, and includes a large scale floor plan, and in most instances, all four exterior elevations. Study plans are a good way to take a closer look at a plan that you are considering, before purchasing the construction working drawings. Preliminary site planning can be done using a study plan, to ensure that the selected plan meets all applicable site zoning and codes in the specific jurisdiction.

A schedule of Plan Data and Costs is available, indicating the approximate overall sizes, square footage, plan type and the cost of the stock plan. An Order Form with instructions is also provided .

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